Who We Are

H & H Law Group is a fully digital legal experience, where convenience, efficiency, service affordability, cost transparency, and matter organization are the fundamental pillars upholding your relationship with our firm.

We leverage Salesforce, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and OpenAI technologies to create a client delivery model unlike anything that has ever existed in the legal services industry.

But still, why choose our digital legal delivery model?

  1. Convenience – from digital onboarding, to a digital engagement process, you move from a legal question to matter processing in mere minutes, without having to travel anywhere or even pick up a phone.
  2. Speed – From that point on, every matter you have for review by counsel is submitted digitally in seconds, and your wait time to response is cut down by hours, days, and even weeks.
  3. Cost – No more dreaded billable hours. Additionally, you can finally have a predictable and foreseeable legal bill tied to each matter, through our Block system, where fixed fees are not only possible, they are reality.
  4. No Longer Evergreen – Now you no longer have to place a huge cash retainer to hold the representation of counsel. With our Block system, you purchase representation services on each matter, after you have agreed to the proposed amount.
  5. Organization – Lost in translation? You already juggle so many emails, documents, accounts, etc., with your own business, why add significantly to that burden with traditional legal services? Utilizing your H & H digital account, you manage all your legal related documents, communications, invoices, and more, directly from an easy to access online portal.   

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